In case anyone ever decides to follow our blog, I thought I would post a little about my husband and I and our baby. Up first...
Meet our fur baby, Luna. :) I'm pretty sure she is confused about her name...she probably thinks its "brat", because we call her that quite often. She is sweet sometimes too though...(when she's sleeping). She is a Chorkie, but I do not see the yorkie at her attitude or looks. She is 12 weeks..I think. Around that anyway. I got her a few weeks before we got married and she made the journey across the country with us. :) (more on that next time)

This weekend was pretty uneventful except for Friday night. We had a date night <3. :) We ate some sushi and then had frozen yogurt for dessert and then went and saw The Green Hornet. It was kinda dumb to me..but I wasn't in the best mood to begin with..I had a really bad headache and the group of 12 year olds that sat behind us were loud and obnoxious.. I kinda let it ruin our date..:/ I've realized that little things are not worth getting mad over. I'm not gonna let my time with Logan slip by me and not appreciate every second of it...anyway, I took some Tylenol pm when we got home and slept like a baby..Sat morning we woke up kinda early and he cooked us pancakes, which I devoured. They were sooo good. We spent the rest of the day cleaning up the house, doin laundry, and went grocery shopping for the next few weeks. I have some recipes I'm excited to try. I'll post them once I use them. :) Today I am home alone and just being lazy and watching some tv. I plan on getting back in the gym, getting ahead on my online school work, and applying for some jobs this week. Wish me luck!