I just had to brag for a minute.
I have lost 3 lbs this week.
It's weird how happy I was to see 147.0 on the scale this morning!
What have I done?
Nothing but change my eating.
I have noticed now that I've been eating differently, that by the time dinner rolls around(which is usually when I screw things up) I'm not as hungry as before and I don't eat nearly as much as usual.
I think I might actually be in this losing weight thing for reals this time.
I have a reward waiting for me when I lose two more lbs. :)
My plan is to get a reward every 5 lbs I lose.
So of course, my goals are: 145, 140, 135, 130, and MAYBE 125.
Just gonna see how I feel/look as I go.
I have some pretty sweet rewards lined up for myself and Hubs and making sure I don't cheat and get them anyway. :)
It's really nice to have someone supporting you when you're trying to lose weight.
Esp your Significant Other :)
Other than that?
Not a lot.
Losing weight is pretty much my focus for the time being.
Hubs enrolled into one of the training classes I talked about in my last post.
He will be done in September and it looks like we'll be leaving the desert about a month before we thought.
We are crossing our fingers we get to move to a different country or maybe Alaska. :)
Hope all of you lovelies are having a wonderful week!
Only one more day till the weekend! :)