James just turned 5 months on the 22nd. A blog I follow just did a catch up version of her monthly updates and I figured I should do the same while I'm not so far behind!
James weighs a little over 19 lbs and is wearing 6-9 month clothes. He is a chunky monkey. I love his wrists. They are bigger than his hands and its freaking adorable. All the shoes we had for him are size 1 and none of them fit because of his chubby little feet. <3 He hates things being on his feet anyway (like his momma) so he usually is barefoot and I have gotten a few comments from strangers (older ladies) about his feet being bare and then they quickly follow with "but I guess he likes that huh mom" as soon as they see the look on my face. lol It is just now getting cold here in Oklahoma, so it's the first time he is wearing jackets and little hats and omg its just too cute.
He wears size 3 diapers and has started the whole trying to turn over in the middle of being changed. It's quite funny to watch Hubs try to change him now. lol
Hmm the sleeping thing. Well, back when he was itty bitty, I would feed him sitting in bed and he would fall asleep and I would just let him sleep on me. Then as he grew it turned into him sleeping beside me. Now..he still co-sleeps. We are in the process of attempting the "cry it out" thing and I have to tell you. It's hard. I LOVE him sleeping beside me..but I know as he gets bigger I won't like it so much lol Plus I know I will sleep better with him out of the bed and into his crib. I know I have to suck it up and it will be worth it, but I just have a hard time listening to him scream like he's dying when I know that he wants to be held. :(
I have been lucky and he has generally always slept through the night. There was a little phase where he would wake up a few times, but that has slowly stopped. As soon as we moved into our new home. (Oct 11) I started James on a routine. bath, night feeding, bed. Now at five months, he sleeps from about 8-5:30 and then takes 1-2 hour naps at around10am, 1pm, and 5pm. He occasionally fights going to sleep, but usually he will fall asleep while nursing.
He is still exclusively breastfed. At 4 months, our Doc said we could introduce baby rice then food once he didn't hate the rice idea. Well he just wasn't into it yet...so I just backed off and continued bfing him and will until he is ready to try the food again. My initial goal was 6 months...but now that we are almost there, I see no reason to stop breastfeeding. It's easy for us and it's what works, so we will continue for now.
He is already making so many noises. I think he will be saying actual words in no time.
He rolled over back when he was about 3 months old. He could even pull up on our hands to stand up..I'm not kidding. Now he rolls all the time. If you turn your back he would be across the living room from rolling. lol He almost has crawling down. He seems to know the motions, but isn't quite strong enough to do them all together so that he can move. Again, he will be crawling in to time. He can't quite sit by himself, but he can do the tripod sit.
He loves his einstein bouncer. We introduced him to it at 4 months and at around his 5 month mark he started actually bouncing in it, where before he would just sit in it and play. For Christmas we got him a walker. I'm excited to see him try it out. He LOVES bath time still. As soon as he can sit, I'm sure he's going to love to get out of the bath seat and actually sit in the big tub. He loves the water. He just started splashing. He likes looking at fish. We took him to the aquarium a while back and to be so young, he paid attention to the fish. He especially liked the little turtles. We got a fish tank about a week ago and he just stares at it. I can't wait to take him back to the aquarium and the ZOO!
He likes it when I sing. I sing him "Jingle Bells" lately and he just gets the biggest smile. He also likes the ABCs song and likes patty cake. We have found that the bumbo seat is a life saver. I know there was a safety recall, but we do not leave him anywhere where he could fall out.. It is most useful while eating out. He will sit in it the whole time we eat instead of someone having to hold him like we did before. He loves Sophie. (the giraffe) He has tons of drool and chews on anything he can reach..so teeth are on their way I'm guessing. He thinks it's hilarious when we pretend gag because of his foot "stinking" or while changing his poopy diaper. His laugh is the sweetest, most precious thing I've ever heard. He smiles at anyone who looks his way while we are out in public. Everyone loves it. He is such a flirt. lol
that's all I can think of right now...but I'm gonna try my best to keep up with the updates from now on.