Earlier I posted our big news...
so now for the details. :)
ok...so first off, this is my blog, my journal, so there will be details throughout this whole journey.
Just sayin. lol
sorry if its tmi or whatever.
So let's rewind back to last week.
I had made my mind up that I was gonna join the Air Force.
I was watching all sorts of videos and reading tons of blogs about other women's experience at Basic Training, which was the one part I was nervous about.
Yeah...Sunday night, I had a little crying fit.
It started from me being bitchy (but not seeing that I was the one being that way) and then getting upset when Hubs was "talking to me mean" lol

I finally calmed down, took a long shower, and we left and got something to eat and made a trip to Walmart.
I simply said "maybe I should get a pregnancy test to make sure before I go take the ASVAB thursay"
Didn't think much about it since I have taken plenty of tests since my cycles are so messed up.
Got home, took the test, set it to the side, and got on facebook on my phone...
I glanced over at the test and thought I saw something, but thought "It's probably just that white line that I've gotten on those tests before" and carried on with facebooking.
Glanced at it again a few minutes later........
picked it up.
I immediately started shaking and saying "omg omg"
I ran downstairs and just looked at Hubs and he knew what I meant, but I don't think he believed me.
I followed him upstairs and he just stared at the pee stick and couldn't get the grin off of his face.
I dipped the second stick and we watched it the whole time.
Logan was like "I don't see a line on thi...oh there it is" haha
So from there we have had fun telling our families.
We had a celebratory dinner at Outback last night ;)
We don't know the E.D.D yet cuz I have wacky cycles.
I should know by next week though!
Our families are extremely excited.
It's gonna be one spoiled little thing. (:
Hubs and I went to a movie and while we were at the mall we looked at some baby stuff..
and of course we didn't leave without making our "first purchase". :)
It is a little lime green stripped onesie thing with legs, long sleeves, and little feet and it has a frog on the butt.
It's terry cloth material, so I'm thinking it will be used for after bath time. too cute. (:
As for symptoms so far?
(besides being an emotional wreck that is)
The only things I've noticed are:
REALLY sore boobs
& not really wanting to eat my normal favorite things
I don't really get hungry all day then at night I'm starving.
I've had headaches the past two nights from cutting out caffeine.
I'm so excited!!!
I saw this on one of my favorite blogs a while back, but I just freaking love it, so I'm gonna quote it.
"A lot of change is happening.
A lot of change is coming.
But a lot of love is present, and I think we'll do just fine."
Oh my goodness! I'm so happy for you two! You will make a wonderful and very loving mother. I wish all the best and more to you guys! <3