How far along?: 9 weeks and 5 days
Total weight gain/loss: -10ish lbs. still.
The Bump: definitely starting to pooch.
What I’m excited about/looking forward to: finding out the gender of course and my appointment next week.
Maternity Clothes: still a no. my reg clothes fit better than they did pre-pregnancy. lol
Symptoms: Still the same as last week: nausea/gag reflex is very touchy/ lots of throwing up(although the past two days have been throw up-free. :) heightened sense of smell. still extremely sleepy, sleeping 12+ hours a night.
Belly Button in or out?: In.
Food Cravings/Aversions: cravings: grilled cheese with mustard, bbq sunflower seeds (eating them now), bbq chips, fruit with salt
aversions: smell of/seeing/mentioning of chicken= guaranteed throw up session.
What I miss: drinking dr.pepper all day long..and being able to eat the MANY things that involve chicken. *gaag*
Milestones: Hubs rubbed my tummy for the first time like he was rubbing the baby. We weren't even talking about the baby. It made me have a huge dumb grin for a while lol
week 10 WILL have a bump pic and MAYBE a new ultrasound pic if I can talk the doc into doin another.. :)