Monday, October 31, 2011

happy halloween (:

I've never been into Halloween. 
It MIGHT have something to do with the fact that my birthday is the day after?
This year is a big one! 
I'm 21! 
I have been looking forward to this one for years...& now I have a little "situation" lol 
I wouldn't trade my bebe for anything though, my 21st birthday celebration can wait another year. 
I'm sure I'll get carded till I'm like 40 anyway. ;)
This is probably one of the last Halloweens I can ignore though...
I know I'll be out trick-or-treating with my munchkin in a few years. 
(idk about next year..he/she will only be a few months old) lol
but anyways..those celebrating Halloween this year, have fun and be safe! 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

1st doc appointment!

I'm pretty dang excited about today!
First baby doc appointment.
Updates later. :)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

2 more days

There are only TWO more days until my first official appointment! 
I cannot wait!!! 
I mean, I've had 5 positive home tests, including 2 digital ones, AND a blood test, but it is still really hard to believe! 
I am so ready to know my due date! 
I have no clue how far a long I am...
All I know is my pants are not buttoning already. haha 

We might not know the due date, but that hasn't stopped us from buying some things for our bebe. :)
(That is a for a whole other post!)
Yesterday was spent shopping mostly, then we babysat my little cousin..she's about a year old I think. 
She is such a cutie!  

And just for fun...

How far along?:  No idea! I'll find out on Wed! 
Total weight gain/loss:  I wanna say 3lbs..I've been so hungry! 
The Bump: not yet
What I’m excited about/looking forward to:  Wed! Finding out the due date and seeing our baby for the first time. :)
Maternity Clothes: My pants have not wanted to button the past week, so I bought a belly band, some larger yoga pants, and one pair of maternity jeans from Target. 
Symptoms:  Um...BOOBS. They hurt. like a B. I've been really thirsty. I can smell everything..really well. I've thrown up about 5 times..and I never throw up. Lots of cramps. 
Belly Button in or out?:  In. 
Food Cravings/Aversions:  I usually love Gravy and Biscuits in the morning..not lately. I have not been hungry when I wake up like normal..the hunger usually hits me around dinner time and lasts till I go to sleep. I have been craving anything salty. 
What I miss:  DR.PEPPER
Milestones:  Made our first purchase(s) :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

the details

Earlier I posted our big news...
so now for the details. :) first off, this is my blog, my journal, so there will be details throughout this whole journey.
 Just sayin. lol
sorry if its tmi or whatever.

So let's rewind back to last week. 
I had made my mind up that I was gonna join the Air Force. 
I was watching all sorts of videos and reading tons of blogs about other women's experience at Basic Training, which was the one part I was nervous about. 
Yeah...Sunday night, I had a little crying fit. 
It started from me being bitchy (but not seeing that I was the one being that way) and then getting upset when Hubs was "talking to me mean" lol
Then I kinda started to calm down from that, we apologized to each other, then I picked up Luna and started crying all over again about how "she isn't going to remember me when I get back from Boot Camp. 
I finally calmed down, took a long shower, and we left and got something to eat and made a trip to Walmart. 
I simply said "maybe I should get a pregnancy test to make sure before I go take the ASVAB thursay"
Didn't think much about it since I have taken plenty of tests since my cycles are so messed up.
Got home, took the test, set it to the side, and got on facebook on my phone...
I glanced over at the test and thought I saw something, but thought "It's probably just that white line that I've gotten on those tests before" and carried on with facebooking.
Glanced at it again a few minutes later........
picked it up.
I immediately started shaking and saying "omg omg" 
I ran downstairs and just looked at Hubs and he knew what I meant, but I don't think he believed me.
I followed him upstairs and he just stared at the pee stick and couldn't get the grin off of his face. 
I dipped the second stick and we watched it the whole time.
Logan was like "I don't see a line on thi...oh there it is" haha
So from there we have had fun telling our families.
We had a celebratory dinner at Outback last night ;)

We don't know the E.D.D yet cuz I have wacky cycles.
I should know by next week though! 
Our families are extremely excited.
It's gonna be one spoiled little thing. (:

Hubs and I went to a movie and while we were at the mall we looked at some baby stuff..
and of course we didn't leave without making our "first purchase". :)
 It is a little lime green stripped onesie thing with legs, long sleeves, and little feet and it has a frog on the butt. 
It's terry cloth material, so I'm thinking it will be used for after bath time. too cute. (:

As for symptoms so far?
(besides being an emotional wreck that is)
The only things I've noticed are:
REALLY sore boobs
& not really wanting to eat my normal favorite things
I don't really get hungry all day then at night I'm starving. 
I've had headaches the past two nights from cutting out caffeine.

I'm so excited!!! 
I saw this on one of my favorite blogs a while back, but I just freaking love it, so I'm gonna quote it.

"A lot of change is happening.

A lot of change is coming.
But a lot of love is present, and I think we'll do just fine."

change of plans

Remember that post about me joining the Air Force?'s been deleted..why?
because I have been disqualified...


Sunday, October 2, 2011

kidney stones, toes shoes, & insanity

Hi! :) 
It's been a while...
I've been extremely busy between hospital trips with my sis having a really bad kidney stone, finding Zoey(one of our furbabies) who went missing for two weeks, & everything else in between. 

I feel sooo bad for my sis. If you don't mind, please say a little prayer for her. She has been in so much pain for about a week and half now. We made two trips to the emergency room, a trip to a specialist, two trips to the hospital for blood work and surgery, and she is still in pain. When they went in for her surgery, the stone had already passed, but her tube was so stressed and clenched, they had to put a stint (sp?) in to open it up and give it some relief. It has been so hard to see her in that kind of pain. :( 

Zoey being MIA was also very hard..I didn't realize how much I love her until the past 2 weeks when I couldn't hold her or kiss her little face. My cousin is a freshmen at a college nearby and was talking to me about wanting a dog, so I came up with a brilliant terrible idea to let him have a "test run" of taking care of a dog while being in school and working. I thought it was a good idea..he would be able to see how he could handle it and she would be back home within a few days...WELL while my cousin was at work one night (the day after he got her from us) his roommate opened the door to let someone in and Zoey took off and hid...I don't know how hard he looked for her or whatever, all I know is she was missing for two weeks. We had her posted on every animal shelter within a 100 miles radius and all the vets were aware she was missing and were watching for her to be brought in. We finally got a call yesterday saying she had been found and was 2 hours away at the girl's we took off and picked our baby up. We are extremely happy/relieved/blessed to have her back home. I am so thankful for everyone that helped us in the search for her. 

What else have I been doing? Well...
I finally caved and bought some of the Vibram 5 finger shoes. Love them...BUT I made the mistake of running 5 miles in them the day I got the first 2 miles or so were fabulous, then my feet and legs started killing me. When I got home and read into it (should've done this to begin with) I learned you are supposed to start out slow and let your feet and legs adjust to them because they work out places that don't get worked out when wearing regular running shoes. oops. So now I know and will be taking it a little are the ones I got.

As for my "healthy eating"? I feel like I'm about half and half. I have been making some good choices and some bad ones too. This weekend we have been on the go non stop so we have ate out a good bit, but all last week we had meals at home. I am IN LOVE with the protein shake I've been making. All I do is put 8 ounces of fat free milk, 1 rounded scoop of chocolate protein powder, and a spoon full of peanut butter into a blender cup (the ones with the little metal ball thing) and shake it really well..there are still little chunks of peanut butter and it is SOOO yummy. One day last week I paired it with a salad topped with some buffalo chicken and a tiny bit of ranch. 

I bought insanity. the workout program. I'm gonna start in the morning and do the fit test. I have never completed a workout program. I'm determined to finish all 60 days. I have the workout calender hung up on my cork board and I'm gonna be hangin up my before pic along with my motivational pics and my measurements and everything so I can keep up with my progress. I'm still going to be running. I'm slowly starting to like running again. Along with the fit test I'm gonna be running 2 miles. I feel so much better just from the little changes I've made since we've moved home. 

I hope you all have a really good week! 
I'm looking forward to tomorrow..even though its Monday, cuz that means episode 2 of Terra Nova and the new season of House! :D 

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