Sunday, August 5, 2012

catch up

I'm baaaack. finally. Having a baby changes everything! I spent my whole pregnancy looking up things about pregnancy and giving birth...and somehow it didn't cross my mind to read up on life after giving It has been awesome though. I love my baby boy so so much. I couldn't ask for a better (or cuter!) baby. I also couldn't have been blessed with an easier labor/recovery either. I had my six week checkup Thursday and I am good to go. Check out my little man. <3

I am already down to my pre-pregnancy weight and the number is still dropping everyday.
I joined the local gym and got some cool new workout gear..I'm ready to go! During the past few weeks I've had tons of time to read lots of fitness blogs & I've found many fitness freaks to follow on instagram. I have never been this motivated to get ripped.  Now I'm ready to start eating better and get my butt back into the gym. I plan on posting my meals and other random pics on my follow me if you're interested! >>> heatheracarter

I have some big news I can share soon. (no I'm not pregnant again lol)


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