Tuesday, August 2, 2011

fresh start

As you can see, I have redone my whole blog..again. THIS time, though, it is me. The other times I was trying to make my blog all cutesy and junk...but this, this is more me. I love the color black. I love black and white photos. I like things to be simple. Everything you see was made/done by me. It took me all day, but it's done and I'm proud. If you want me to make something for you, just ask. :)

There are some pretty big changes coming for hubs and I. He gets out of the Marines in less than two months and we are still waiting to see where we will be moving to next. As soon as we find out though, we will have so much to do...and every day that passes just means there will be less time to do it. Once we find out where we'll be moving to we have to..

- find a house. (we have already been looking at houses in every possible location we could be going to) We have found some pretty freaking nice ones! Can't wait to to make a call saying "we'll take it!"
It will be our new home and our home for many years to come.
-figure out if we are taking the little furniture we DO have, or selling it and starting over. (Depends on location)
-depending on the decision above, may have to rent a uhaul trailer/truck.
-plan out route to get to new location
-find hotels that will allow 4 fur babies! or maybe stay in a town with a kennel :/
-find a school (I'm going back to school for sure, hubs is going to try if job will allow)
-buy Hubs a truck  (he has a motorcycle)
-and all of the other things that you have to do when you move to a different state (new license, car tags, etc.)

Even though it's going to be pretty stressful, I think it's gonna be tons of fun as well. We are going to be closing the first little chapter and moving on the the next one. So excited to see what's next for us! 

Oh! If you have a little extra open space on your blog, my button is over there to the right! ;)

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